Recovery Cymru

Donate to our BigGive Challenge!

Pledge to donate to our BigGive Challenge and be the reason our community can do amazing activities, expand our volunteering and enhance our programmes!

Charity Governance Award Winner 2024

We are thrilled to show off how our award-winning trustees have made a difference in our recovery community. Read more!

new training launching summer 2024

Are you ready to make a difference in people’s lives? Our groundbreaking training, “Developing & Implementing Peer Support for People in ‘Pre-recovery’,” is here to empower you.

Click the button to find out more…

Family & Friends Peer Support has arrived!

Are you concerned about someone else’s substance use?

Is their substance use impacting your wellbeing?

We are here for you!


Recovery isn’t just for the weekdays – so neither are we! We are open 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday. Grab the details by clicking button.


Fancy getting involved as a trustee for Recovery Cymru? We’re after passionate people who’ve had some leadership experience, can spare a few hours a month, and share our values. Interested? Get in touch today!


Discover all about how Recovery Cymru is challenging the stigma toward people battling substance use and in recovery. There are many ways you will be able to take part and support the campaign – so make sure to keep up to date through our social media too!

We are excited to be a part of clero

We are delighted to be part of the Board of this exciting and challenging project to connect, support and encourage the development of Lived Experience Recovery Organisations around the UK as a Connector and Member. Find out more and become a CLERO member.

Recovery Cymru is a peer-led, mutual-aid, recovery community in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan that empowers people to achieve and maintain recovery while supporting others to do the same.  All our activities are community-led. Together, we empower and support each other to enter and move forward in recovery; to develop skills and interests and to improve quality of life.

We value individuals, the process of change and believe recovery is about improved quality of life, not just the absence of a particular substance. We want to support our members to make tangible differences to their lives.

Please download a copy of the timetable and what each group or activity is here: Recovery Cymru Timetable

Please download a copy of the timetable here: Peer Space Timetable

If you are looking for support, our friendly team are here to tell you more about what we offer and make it as easy for you to get involved in our confidential support as possible. We know making this first call can be hard but we will listen without judgement.

Contact our administrator on 07944851050 or email

How can we support you?

Here at Recovery Cymru we offer a number of different ways to support you through your recovery journey. You choose which works best for you.  contact us


Volunteer with us!

Recovery Cymru simply could not exist without the support and assistance of our passionate and dedicated volunteers. Why not volunteer with us? 

Training & Resources

Recovery Cymru can provide a range of specialised peer-led training and self-help resources for your organisation.

Want to gift Recovery Cymru?

Every gift you give makes a huge difference to our peer recovery community! Click the button to find out how you can contribute.

A big thank you to all of our funders