We are excited to be part of the thebiggive Christmas Challenge 2021 with our campaign ‘Donate Your Drinks, Double Your Donation’. Our goal is to raise £4,000 to continue to support our recovery community and with something as simple as giving your to-go drink money for the week, or getting the business you work for/own to gather as a team to donate, you can help to support people who may be finding particularly this time of year the hardest. Whatever you donate gets doubled!
Check out the image below to see where your gift will go That can make a huge difference in their journey to their recovery. The challenge takes place between 30th November – Midday 7th December 2021.

Check out how thebiggive works and our donation page here: Donation Page
Want a reminder of when it’s time to donate? Pop your details to us and we will get in touch in your preferred way when the time comes: Remind Me!
Want to celebrate your donation and help to encourage others to give a gift too? Here’s our Recovery Cymru Campaign Toolkit. The Toolkil has social media images and also writing to go along with them that you can use: Grab The Toolkit
Find out more about not only fundraising for Recovery Cymru, but also where the donations go in our Fundraising Pack
Please contact rebeccacashman@recoverycymru.org.uk for any further information on how you can participate.