Weekend Reflection


Weekend Reflection is an opportunity for members to openly and confidentially discuss their weekends within a non-judgmental group of their peers.




Relaxation offer s short group sessions of mindfulness and meditation to help members to relax and to learn useful relaxation techniques for use in their everyday lives.


SMART Recovery


SMART Recovery offers an internationally-recognised programme of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-based techniques to help members maintain their recovery from all types of addictive behaviour.


Relapse Prevention


Relapse Prevention is a 9 week course of sessions aimed at assisting members to manage and prevent relapses by teaching understanding of the relapse cycle, recognising triggers and coping with cravings.




Self-Help is a peer-led group session that uses the Recovery Cymru workbook to help members to sustain their recovery by teaching understanding of issues such as triggers, high-risk situations and dealing with emotions.


Community Development


The Community Development Group provides a weekly opportunity for the Recovery Cymru staff, members and volunteers  to come together to discuss matters relating to the community, such as amendments to the diary and new developments. Every fortnight an external speaker is also invited to give a talk on an issue of interest to the Recovery Cymru community.


Cookery Social


Cookery Social is a fun, informal gathering that takes place every Wednesday evening and which offers an inexpensive, delicious meal cooked by a rota of volunteers.


Moving On In My Recovery (M.O.I.M.R)


The M.O.I.M.R. group is a 12 week peer-led course which aims to cover different aspects of recovery such as mental health, peer support, relapse prevention and healthy lifestyle balance. Opportunities also exist for participants to receive training with a view to facilitating groups themselves.