**Special Guests**
Mark Drakeford MS Cardiff West and First Minister for Wales
Dr Edward Day – UK Gov Recovery Champion
Dr David Best – Professor, recovery advocate and long term friend of RC
We’re excited to invite you to our special event, celebrating 10 years of peer support, sharing what we have learned from Covid delivery and our vision of the future of peer support in RC
As always, we will hear from our members and volunteers who are at the heart of our community
Hope and humour to raise a smile 😊
If you would be interested in attending or for more information, please email info@recoverycymru.org.uk
2020: Our tenth anniversary year January 2020 saw us welcome in our tenth anniversary year of Recovery Cymru. Having developed from a single support group, this year started as one of celebration and reflection as we consider who we are, what we are, why we are and what’s next. In true RC style, this involves speaking to as many people as possible, asking questions and listening to what people want, need and value. We were really pleased to be supported by Lloyds Bank Foundation to undertake an independent impact assessment to engage with past and current members from the last ten years. We eagerly await the report, to be published Autumn 2020 and this will directly inform our strategic vision for the next 3-5 years. To celebrate our anniversary and to build our future we have been working on our public profile, PR and communications. We have our anniversary logo and new brand guidelines and were lucky to work with two senior PR and comms volunteers as part of a furlough scheme who have helped us with our communication strategy and finding our ‘RC Voice’. We hope you see some of the outputs from this in our work and online!
As part of our ten year celebrations we are undertaking a montage called RC10.